5 ways to use glass wall art

Scour the internet and you’ll find no shortage of tips on how to display wall art and how to hang glass – but if you’re looking for how to display glass wall art specifically, you might find yourself getting a little lost. Never fear, the specialists at Mirror Mania are here to help.

Glass wall art has never been more popular – and with all the choice available, it’s easy to see why. Glass wall art includes everything from decorative mirrors to art prints on glass, to pictures and patterns using stained glass as the canvas and medium.

The vast choice and styles of glass wall art can make it difficult to decide which would be the best for your surroundings. It helps to think about what you want to achieve with a decorative glass art piece, so here are some things to think about.

Jacaranda in Grey

Make a statement feature

Glass wall art makes a statement. With that in mind, it makes sense to use its impact to your full advantage, using it in the centre of a wall or as one of the big features of a room. Techniques such as reverse glass painting and 3D sculpting create true masterpieces that deserve the full glory of pride of place to be admired.

To add light

Reflective or mirrored glass is often used in panel sets. Adding glass wall art to a wall not only looks fabulous, it adds more light into the room too. For corridors and hallways, glass wall art can be a two-in-one solution to add decor and a mirror – ideal for areas where guests frequent.

To showcase your style

We all have our own individual taste in art. Glass is so versatile in the effects that it creates – it works whether you’re looking for a traditional style stained glass piece, something sleek, a vibrant reverse painting or even a sensual piece.

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To fill an unusual space

If you have an unusual shaped wall or space to fill, a mirror or mirrored wall art is a great solution. We can design something truly unique to fit any space – even brand new doors and windows. With computer imaging, you can see exactly how the finished result will look before any work begins, giving you the chance to make any changes.

In the bathroom

Glass wall art is resistant to water and humidity, making it the ideal choice of bathroom decor. We can add LED lighting to any of our mirror designs, or even a piece you design yourself. All of our decorative glass is handmade bespoke, so we can even create a glass art shower screen, door panels and windows to create beautiful and functional glass.

Decorative glass design

Phillip Orr is an award-winning mirror artist. He has been designing and creating exciting, creative mirrors and glass artwork for over 20 years. At Mirror Mania we can design any mirrors, decorative art, glass panels, windows, doors and even ceilings that you may need.


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