At Mirror Mania, an award-winning British mirror manufacturer, we have over 30 years of experience in designing and handcrafting bespoke mirrors and decorative glass. Led by renowned British designer Phillip Orr, our company has become a pioneer in delivering exceptional design and creativity.

We take pride in offering a truly bespoke service, crafting mirrors that cater to your unique needs. Glass and mirrors have the ability to enhance light, expand spaces, and add vibrant color, bringing luxury and sophistication to any setting.

Specializing in collaborations with consumers, designers, architects, and renovation professionals, we provide distinctive, made-to-measure solutions. Finding a company that delivers one-of-a-kind, premium products can be challenging, but at Mirror Mania, we make it easy by offering bespoke mirrors designed and crafted entirely in-house.

With a collection of over 1,300 exclusive handcrafted designs and the ability to create custom pieces, we help bring your vision to life. Whether you need a unique mirror, decorative glass, or acrylic features, we can tailor our designs to meet your exact specifications.

Our bespoke services are perfect for both residential and commercial projects, seamlessly fitting into modern or traditional spaces. We create custom mirrors, domes, wall panels, ceiling features, and bespoke glazing for doors and windows, matching any color scheme and accommodating unconventional spaces.

Let us help you turn your ideas into stunning, handmade mirrors that truly transform any space.

  • An extensive range of beautiful hand-crafted mirrors
  • Decorative glass for window or ceiling panels, or domes
  • Unique products – no two will be exactly the same
  • Inspiration to create feature details
  • Designs tailored to your requirements, including colour matching and unusual shapes
  • Reliability from design to delivery from a British company
  • Tailor-made packaging with handmade timber crates and protective covering and edging

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