Home Decor: How to Use Art Deco in Your Home

Home Decor - How to Use Art Deco in Your Home

Full article with thanks to: myuniquehome.co.uk/how-to-bring-stylish-art-deco-into-your-home-interior

Opulent, stylish and beautiful; Art Deco design is one of the most iconic styles of the twentieth century. Defined by the glamour of the 1920s, Art Deco is perhaps the only interior trend that keeps on giving. The epitome of sophistication, it’s impossible not to fall in love with Art Deco when it comes to architecture and interiors.

Art Deco was officially launched in Paris in 1925 and has left a wonderfully enduring legacy still loved today. It has always been a desirable style and it continues to inform interior design. The current obsession with vintage and antiques couldn’t be a more perfect fit.

The signature style of Art Deco revolves around statement pieces and geometric details, and that is one of the reasons why Art Deco works so well in modern homes. The angular geometric forms lend brilliantly to contemporary interior designs. We are currently seeing Art Deco influences in everything from geometric wallpaper and cool mirrors to statement lighting.

Do you want to bring an air of sophistication into your home? Then Art Deco could be for you. Here are just some of the ways you can bring Art Deco into your interiors.

Luxury lighting

If there’s just one item you add to your interior as a nod to Art Deco, it simply has to be an Art Deco chandelier. According to an Interior design company, Pfeiffer Design, lighting is fundamental to interior design, because it affects the overall ambience of any room. Lighting adds interest, depth and atmosphere to any living space.

An Art Deco chandelier is the perfect way to make a glamorous statement in your home. Whether you go for a genuine vintage chandelier or one with a modern take on Art-Deco-style, is totally up to you. How authentic do you want your roaring twenties interior to be?

Geometric lines

Precise geometric forms are fundamental characteristics of Art Deco. Bold geometric shapes with vertical lines, triangles, squares or rectangles and the curving forms of arcs and circles, in repetitive patterns, showcase the bold decorative style of the 1920s. The Art Deco pattern has a rich legacy and can be found in countries all over the world.

Monochromatic palettes

For some, using a single colour takes the pain out of home decorating and removes the need for making decisions on what colours work best together when it comes to furnishings. Monochromatic rooms can be visually eye-catching, surprisingly ‘Zen’ and are easy to pull off. For tips on nailing a monochromatic colour scheme, see here.

Art Deco favours strong block colours. Avoid floral or plaid patterns. You want a non-fussy decadent look.

Sunbursts and stepped motifs

As well as geometric lines, Art deco is characterised by sweeping curves and sunburst motifs. Art Deco stained glass windows look fabulous in period properties, but can also work in modern homes with the right pattern and in the right context. You can cheat with window film, such as these lovely designs (both traditional and modern) by Pulfrost here.

Magnificent marble

Expensive materials like marble, ebony and other rare woods were often used in the original Art Deco era to ensure certain pieces were only available to the wealthiest. While it has become less popular to use ebony and rare woods, for obvious reasons, marble continues to feature in Art Deco interiors today.

Side tables and drink trolleys with marble tops are extremely popular today, with many taking on Art Deco forms. Art Deco marble clocks, statues and lampstands are also an easy way to add the Art Deco flavour to any interior.

Rich, vibrant colours

Colours in Art Deco are generally striking and bold. Monochromatic colour works well, but this isn’t a strict Art Deco rule. Contrasting colours work equally well to achieve an exuberant Art Deco style. Choose deep, energetic colours, such as reds, greens, blues, bright yellows or pinks.

Silver, gold, Metallic finishes and charcoal greys represented the wealth and prosperity of the Art Deco era. Don’t be afraid to choose neutral colours if bright colours aren’t your thing. Black and white is a great colour scheme choice for Art Deco designs. The simple contrast is sophisticated and pays homage to the elegant Art Deco fashion style of Coco Chanel.

High Gloss

High gloss is an essential component of the Art deco interior. Furniture with high gloss metals and high gloss lacquer create focal points in an exotic and exuberant style. Metal and mirrors are a must-have in Art Deco interiors.

If you want a truly magnificent interior, Art Deco isn’t a bad style choice at all.

Whatever interior aspect you choose to bring Art Deco into your home, you are guaranteed a visually striking style. Make it as sharp, sleek and minimalist or as maximalist and gaudy as you like.

Full article with thanks to: myuniquehome.co.uk/how-to-bring-stylish-art-deco-into-your-home-interior

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