How to festivise your mirrors

Festive Mirror

The festive season is upon us, bringing with it more #christmasdecor Instagram posts than we can handle. In amongst the inspo are these mirrored hidden gems, our favourite festive ways to decorate mirrors for Christmas and beyond.

When it comes to reflecting on 2020, you can’t be blamed for wanting to obscure the view somewhat. And what better way is there to look back on 2020 than with beautiful festive mirror decorations to remind us to reflect on the positive things?


Don’t underestimate the simplicity of a traditional garland. You can’t go wrong with draping a garland over a mirror for an effortless festive feel. Whether you want to go for a plain style or a garland with embellishments or decorations and baubles, make sure the garland is the right size for the mirror. Take the width of the mirror and half the height of each side. The total length is how long the garland should be.

Wreath Mirror


The reflection of a wreath can add extra depth you never knew your decorations needed. Wreaths make a great Christmas mirror decoration as they can be applied directly to the mirror frame or even the glass, provided you use a strong adhesive hook.

Fairy Lights Mirror

Fairy lights

Fairy lights enhance any area they are placed in and mirrors are no exception. Lights are a great choice for mirrors in areas like entranceways and corridors, where there is not much room or freedom to get creative with reflections. Will you go for icy white, warm white, or vibrant colours? Either way, your mirror will make an eye-catching feature!

Christmas Reflection Mirror

The reflection

Don’t forget that the reflection itself is one of the biggest appeals of the mirror. If you have a mirror that would be difficult to decorate with a garland, wreath or lights, making sure that the mirror’s reflection is festive is the next best thing!

Wherever your mirror is positioned, the chances are you’ll be able to fit something festive into the frame, be it Christmas cards, your Christmas tree, or even your dining table laid out, ready for a festive feast.

minerva clear mirror silver trim mirror

Beautiful bespoke mirrors for 2021

If none of those suggestions are quite fitting the bill, maybe you could turn your attention to a new mirror. After all, a good quality, high clarity mirror is a feature no home should be without and if you’re not proud of the mirrors in your home, head on over to our mirror collection to find a looking glass you’ll love. We also offer a fully bespoke mirror design service if you have your heart set on a certain style or design. Simply give us a call or get in touch online


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