How to use mirrors in your store

In an environment that is all about appearance, a high quality, decorative mirror can make all the difference. Your store is selling an experience. Your clientele enters your premises with an expectation in mind. They want to feel good and look good – and your premises needs to sell the experience they desire.

simone art deco over mantle wall mirror

A bright and well-lit environment is an incredibly effective sales tool, pushing more customers to make a purchase and highlighting inventory or services. A designer handbag deserves to be lit up from all angles to showcase the craftsmanship and detail. A tailor or clothes shop needs well-placed mirrors at all angles to give customers a 360 degree view of their outfit.

Hairdressers and beauty salons want their clientele to see their transformation in complete clarity – clarity only the highly polished surface of quality mirror can offer. Whatever the theme of your premises, a high quality mirror is always going to look good and promote the indulgent experience.

Creating a luxury experience


Your choice of decor can make or break the luxury experience. Everything about your premises is representing your brand and showing off your personality and values. It needs to reflect your customer’s values too; in an environment that you enjoy and makes you feel good, you’re more likely to spend money.

Every aspect of your store design needs to be well thought out. Mirrors are a fantastic way to brighten up dark corners, add some style to an awkward-shaped wall or make an area feel larger and more spacious.

Keep your theme consistent throughout your premises. Mirrors can actually be a great way to keep a common theme going across a large area or several separate spaces, especially if similar designs are used but with a slight change in colour.



Whether you’re going for a modern, abstract look or a charming rustic theme, don’t underestimate the impact of a mirror. You could even play around with the placement to see how the different reflections have an effect on the feel of your store. A mirror can reflect and enhance a feature such as ornate lighting – or indeed act as a feature itself.

Bespoke commercial mirrors

At Mirror Mania we have a stunning selection of handmade, exclusively designed mirrors – all of which can be made to suit your exact requirements. If you have something specific in mind, we’d love to hear it – we want to create your dream mirror, whatever it may be. Decorative glass is a great consideration for luxury store owners too.


Whether you need glass panels, windows or even ceiling domes, Mirror Mania is your only port of call for bespoke glass and mirror design. Our award-winning designer Phillip Orr is renowned across the world for his creative, innovative and one-of-a-kind designs. You won’t find work like ours anywhere else!

Creating a luxury experience in your store is essential for attracting and engaging your customers. Get started with luxury decor and handmade mirror art from Mirror Mania.


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