Mirror Manufacturer of the Year Award at the Corporate Livewire Prestige Awards

We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have recently won the Mirror Manufacturer of the Year Award at the Corporate Livewire Prestige Awards.

The Corporate Livewire Prestige Awards recognise small and medium-sized businesses that have proven to be the best in their market over the past 12 months, and we have won manufacturer of the year in the mirror industry, highlighting the high standard of our service and mirrors!

The judges were incredibly impressed with the personal touch that we offer to our customers and our consistent great customer reviews! They stated that they loved how we always ‘go above and beyond’ for our customers and wished us even more success in 2021.

Of course, we will be continuing our great customer service this year, as some of you may have already seen first-hand, and in addition to this to celebrate our victory we are now offering the greatest collection of fine mirrors on our website for all our customers to take advantage of.

2021 Mirror Categories

Aiming to cater for the maximum amount of mirror needs and requirements we now have more mirrors available on our website that ever before – including but not limited to the following –

Art Deco Mirrors, Modern Mirrors, Artistic Mirrors, Classic Mirrors, Glass Wall Art, Decorative Glass and Bespoke Mirrors and Glass.

Get in Touch!

Here at Mirror Mania we believe that it is not only our amazing selection of mirrors and great customer service that won the judge’s hearts leading to us winning Mirror Manufacturer of the Year – but also our options for bespoke mirrors and personalised glass, as well us being able to create specific mirrors that our customers cannot find elsewhere.

Our team have been carefully selected for their immense customer service skills and are always available to our assist our customers, ensuring that all their needs and demands can be met.

If you want more information about our company, any of our products, or perhaps you cannot find what you are looking for, we urge you to call our team who will be delighted to assist you – 01493 304331.

Alternatively you can send any of your queries to us here –

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