Need a home refresh? Start with a mirror

The chances are you’re spending a lot more time in your home than ever before. Maybe you’re getting bored of seeing the same pictures that have been hanging on the wall for years, or maybe you’ve just realised how dark it is in that room.

A home redecoration can be just the trick to refreshing your home and breathing more life into it. It will have an amazing effect on your mood too.

You don’t need to go rushing out for rolls of wallpaper. A de-clutter and rearrangement of your existing decor can work wonders, with a couple of new additions. Your home should grow as you do. Over the years our tastes change – and so too should our home to reflect that.

It’s no secret that more people than ever are living with issues like stress, anxiety and depression. The added uncertainty of Covid 19 means we’re living through turbulent times and it’s more important than ever to look after our health, both mental and physical.

The easiest and most cost-effective way to refresh a room is to add a mirror. There’s more to a mirror than meets the eye. Not only are they functional, a well-placed mirror can transform the appearance and energy of a room.


Why are mirrors so important for a room? Here’s why:


  • Mirrors make rooms feel lighter and more spacious.
  • In most spaces they serve a utilitarian function.
  • Mirrors are known to have a positive effect on our mood.
  • Mirrors are also works of art.

modern mirrored wall art mirrortriptych


What to think about when hanging a wall mirror

What is the mirror reflecting? A direct reflection of a window could bring glare into a room, while a reflection of a feature like a centerpiece or ornament would magnify the grandeur.  Mirrors in dining rooms are a big no-no – nobody wants to see their reflection as they eat!

Is it the right size? Hanging the incorrect sized mirror for a space will make it look odd. Remember the two thirds rule: a mirror should be ⅔ of the width of the wall it is hanging on, or the furniture it is hanging above.

What height? A general guide is to hang mirrors so that the centre is about 60 – 65 inches from the floor. Of course you’ll need to make it work for your individual space and if you’re making a feature, you may want to go against the grain on purpose. But a good general guide is to go for eye level.

Decorative mirrors & wall art

At Mirror Mania we have a wide selection of stunning glasswork, including decorative mirrors and glass wall art. Your home should represent who you are. When shopping for wall decor there is usually that piece that makes you say “Wow!” That’s exactly what we create here at Mirror Mania. Our award-winning mirrors are designed exclusively for us by world-renowned mirror designer Phillip Orr.

If you need inspiration to spark your room refresh journey, look no further than our gorgeous home decor collection.

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