Recharge Your Home with Some Glass Mirror Art

The clocks have now gone back, this means winter is one step closer and the nights are getting darker, with daylight already barely making it past people finishing work. Each year when the clocks go back many people throughout the UK start to feel a little low, with those that work indoor 9-5 jobs hardly getting to see the sunlight at all during the week, leaving them feeling miserable and gloomy.

Sunset Mirror

It does not have to be this way though, whilst of course we can’t do anything about the clocks changing, there are steps that we can all take to ensure that the clock-change doesn’t impact us and our lives negatively. One good idea is to brighten up our homes using mirrored wall art, ensuring that although it is dark outside, it can be bright and inviting inside all year-round.

What is Mirrored Wall Art?


Mirrored wall art is simply a piece of art combined with a mirror! Mirrored wall art is rapidly growing in popularity with a higher number of people now looking to ensure that their interiors are as impeccable as possible. Mirrored wall art can not only boast beautiful imagery (see a great example above), but also holds the ability to reflect light beautifully within homes, brightening them up in ways that ordinary pictures can never do. Wall art mirrors can not only boast beautiful and detailed imagery but are also available in simpler designs, for example mirrors that are different in colour to plain glass could be described as wall art mirrors.

Mirror Mania

Mirror Art

To cater for the growing demand of mirrored wall art here at Mirror Mania we constantly strive to ensure that we are offering a vast and impressive collection for our customers to choose from. All of the wall art mirrors that we offer are exclusively designed and handcrafted by Phillip Orr, one of Britain’s leading glass artists, exclusively in our Norfolk workshop.


Phillip Orr is highly renowned throughout the UK for his mirrored wall art making abilities, with the artist holding many years’ experience and able to create a whole range of moods in his designs, ranging from traditional to modern and cutting edge. He uses a large range of techniques to bring light, life and colour to both home and business interiors, including but not limited to reverse glass painting and three dimensional sculpting.


You can see all of the award winning wall art which we currently have for sale, all designed and manufactured by Phillip Orr, here:


You can also discover more information about Phillip Orr and his amazing work here:


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