Some Living Room Mirrors That Will Transform Your Home in an Instant

living room

As a result of their adaptability and capacity to draw attention in practically every space in the house, mirrors have long been a favourite creative design element of interior designers. Whether a living room is small and dark or big and light, decorating with mirrors may make a huge impact. There are many options to think about, ranging from large statement mirrors to modern silhouettes and rustic finishes.

If you are currently searching for the perfect mirror for your living room, perhaps some of the following options may work!

Orbit smoked mirror room setting modern wall mirror


Circle mirrors

Consider keeping it contemporary by choosing a perfect circle for the shape of your living room mirror. The trendy design can make your mirror feel like a tunnel to another universe, especially if used with minimal framing. The choice works well when combined with other mid-century modern living room ideas, but it can lend a contemporary touch to any living space.

Montrose silver trim Modern Framed Window Wall Mirror with Antiqued Mirror

Antique mirrors

 Mirrors are to be observed, but while your reflection is undoubtedly the most captivating object in the room, keep in mind that the frame can also have a significant aesthetic effect. A beautiful focal point for a living space can be an elaborate frame. Use it as a focal point in a minimalist design or as part of a maximalist, antiques-filled plan like an opulent living room.

Regal large art deco wall mirror
Living in classic style


Think big!

Don’t be hesitant to consider scale while picking a mirror. Generally, bigger is preferable to add more light and space to an area. An excellent technique to balance out the area and make the breadth feel greater in a long living room is to hang a large mirror on the longer wall.


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