Spring is in The Air – Making Your Home Feel Bigger and Brighter

Spring is here, and that means, many of you will have already completed your annual Spring Clean, leaving your homes crisp, breezy and refreshed. However, it is not only Spring Cleaning that can do our homes a world of good, when looking to make your house appear bigger and brighter, there are many great mirror tricks that you can also apply, some of which we will be listing today.

If you want your home to look as big and bright as possible this spring, so that you can fully relax and enjoy the most of the beautiful days we are seeing, keep on reading!


When positioned correctly mirrors hold the ability to create light, texture, space and character! You can achieve a whole range of looks using mirrors alone! Here just a few ways that you can consider using mirrors in your home:

Top Tips

Improving lighting using mirrors – You can improve the lighting inside your home by using mirrors, simply by placing your mirrors in the best place to optimise natural light. If you want to brighten up a room using a large mirror you should place your mirror adjacent to a window so that it can perfectly catch the angle of light and bounce it throughout the entire room.

Creating texture using mirrors – Adding texture to a room allows rooms to look larger. You can add texture to rooms using mirrors in two ways:

– You can consider installing a mirror that boasts a textured frame; this will bring a three-dimensional level to your wall.

– You can position your mirror in a way that it reflects a textured item in your room that you love! It is a great idea to make it so your mirrors reflect your favourite and most beautiful possessions; this can really make a room look great.

Showing gardens off using mirrors – Spring is all about nature and fresh air, so why not bring the outdoors in? It is a good idea to position mirrors in places where they reflect the outdoors, this really can make rooms appear lighter and fresher, especially in spring. Some people even choose to place mirrors in their gardens to make their gardens appear larger also.

Creating the illusion of space using mirrors – To create the illusion of space using mirrors, you need think big! The bigger the mirror you use, the more space it will appear to create! If you have small rooms in your home that currently feel dingy, the addition of extra-large mirrors could change them completely.

Here to Help

At Mirror Mania we are not only here to provide advice and guidance in relation to mirrors, but we also offer one of the industry’s greatest collection and bespoke glass and high quality mirrors, which you can browse here: https://www.mirrormania.co.uk/product-category/mirrors/

If you would like to discuss your needs and requirements with a member of our team, who will be able to discuss your mirror needs with you and allow you to benefit from the greatest outcome, get in touch today. Our team are always waiting to share their knowledge and would love to help you!

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