Warm up Your Home with Art Deco Mirrors

Over Mantle Fan Wall Mirror

Art Deco Mirrors

New York Art Deco Mirror
Perfect Art Deco Mirror

The glamorous era of Art Deco dates way back to the 20’s, and 30’s, and when first introduced to the world had a massive impact on the interior design industry, seeing the introduction of Art Deco mirrors oozing luxury and elegance and transforming home décor forever.


Varying in size, style and design Art Deco mirrors did not only make a huge impression when first becoming available, but also have only grown in popularity since, with all homeowners able to discover Art deco mirrors that complement their current home designs. Art Deco mirrors offer a classic design and timeless look that never seems to date; therefore, it is not surprising that these mirrors are still amongst the most popular mirror types available.


Buying Guide

With so many variations of Art Deco mirrors now available, it is important for those looking to purchase these mirrors to understand the differences, so that they can make the best buying decisions based on their individual needs and requirements. Here are just some of the different Art deco mirror styles and features that you might come across:


Material – The majority of modern Art Deco style mirrors typically feature a standard all glass design, however other materials are often featured within their extravagant frames. The materials now used in Art Deco mirrors has changed drastically, with traditional materials used to create Art Deco mirrors including bronze, chrome and wrought iron.


Style – Some of the most common and attractive Art Deco mirror styles include over mantle Art Deco mirrors, Art Deco wall mirrors, Art Deco hand mirrors and Art Deco dressing table mirrors. Wall mirrors, over mantle mirrors and dressing table mirrors are all similar and can often all be used for all of the three purposes, and here at Mirror Mania we sell these mirrors in abundance.


Features – When it comes to Art Deco mirrors you will quickly find that these mirrors are truly unique, not only do they look elegant and stylish, but also available with a range of different features. Some of the most popular and attractive features that people look for when buying Art Deco mirrors include etching designs, fan styles, bevelling, metallic coatings and triptychs.


Mirror Mania – Here to Help

Art Deco mirrors are inspired by linear symmetry and their artistic design, and are instantly recognisable. Boasting unique ornamental style, Art Deco mirrors are truly exquisite and highly sought after, and available in a whole host of shapes and styles, especially here at Mirror Mania. If you are looking to purchase a high quality Art Deco mirror for you home, do not hesitate to browse our collection today, we are certain that you will not be disappointed.


Our team are also available for you to call should you have questions or require professional assistance, and are able to assist you in selecting the perfect mirror for your home – https://www.mirrormania.co.uk/contact-us/

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